
Let us help you get back to you!

  • Consultation

    A free 15 minute phone or telehealth interview with Kristen to determine what type of evaluation/treatment you need.

  • evaluation

    45-60 minute session which will include standardized and objective testing in order to tailor a treatment plan that is right for you.

  • Therapy/Treatment

    Tailored treatments based on your evaluation results and personal goals. Sessions will be 45 minutes long.

offering evaluations and treatments in the following areas:


Signs of a voice disorder include a hoarse voice, difficulty increasing volume, feeling fatigued after continued voice use, or unwanted voice changes related to progressive neurological disorders or vocal fold pathologies. Voice therapy will teach strategies and exercises related to the client's specific challenges in order to promote a return to normal voice production.

Gender Affirming voice therapy

Gender affirming voice therapy can be a way for transgender, non-binary, and gender-expansive people to alter the tone and pitch of their voice, if their voice causes them gender dysphoria or discomfort. Individuals may seek gender affirmation services to make their voice and/or other aspects of their communication congruent with their gender identity and/or gender expression. Our SLPs, in collaboration with the client, assess a variety of aspects of verbal and nonverbal communication, such as vocal pitch, intonation, voice quality, resonance, fluency, articulation, pragmatics, and vocalization (e.g., laughing and coughing). The speech-language pathologist will demonstrate cultural sensitivity and awareness in communication with the clients and their families. This includes having current knowledge of appropriate, inclusive, respectful, and non-pathologizing terminology. Our SLPs are mindful of potential barriers that influence the client's day-to-day functioning and their impact on communication.

Swallowing- Dysphagia

Common signs and symptoms associated with swallowing disorders include pain when swallowing, coughing or throat clearing while eating or drinking, hoarse or "wet" vocal quality after eating or drinking, feeling like something is stuck in the throat, difficulty chewing food, and/or avoiding certain foods. Your speech-language pathologist will work with you to obtain instrumental evaluation in order to make recommendations for specific types, textures, and thicknesses of foods and liquids. Your SLP will create safe-swallowing strategies to be implemented in your home and will create and implement a detailed exercise program made specifically for YOU.


Cognitive-communication therapy will target cognitive processes such as memory, multi-tasking, attention and managing daily living tasks. People who are recovering from a head injury, surgery, or stroke, or who are experiencing challenges related to aging, dementia, or progressive neurological disorders, can benefit from cognitive therapy with a speech pathologist. Through rehabilitation and training in specific strategies, clients are able to re-engage in their work, social, academic, and everyday activities.


Aphasia is caused by neurological damage and may make it difficult for you to understand, speak, read, or write. It DOES NOT change your intelligence. Your speech therapist will help your brain adjust to the changes it has experienced and retrain its pathways to aid in the expression and understanding of language. If needed; your SLP will help you to obtain and utilize augmentative communication devices as a bridge to verbal communication.


A motor speech disorder resulting from neurological damage that affects the control of speech muscles of motor programing of speech movements. Back 2 You SLP will focus on retraining of these movements in order to obtain more clear and easily understood communication.


A speech disorder resulting from muscle weakness caused from neurological or physical damage to the muscles involved in communication. Many patient’s with head and neck cancer suffer from dysarthria and may required speech therapy quickly during/after treatment in order to preserve as much movement as possible.


Children with difficulty coordinating the motor movement and sequencing of speech. These children can benefit from specific motor based therapy techniques, such as DTTC.


Children that are having difficulty being understood due to specific sound errors or patterns of sound errors.

Language disorders

Children may demonstrate difficulty understanding (receptive language) or expressing (expressive language). This can relate to wants/needs, following directions, vocabulary, and grammar.